It’s never too soon to anchor God into your spirit!

Proverbs 22:6

"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

Kids Weekly Lessons (Ages 2-8)

Kids Weekly Lessons (Ages 2-8)

God’s Mercy To Do The Right Thing
Focal Verses | Jonah 3:1-10

BGod told Jonah to go to Nineveh to give them a message. Jonah obeyed God and went to Nineveh. Nineveh was a big city. It took Jonah three days to go through the city. On the first day, Jonah told the people, “ In forty days, the city will be destroyed.” The people believed Jonah. They fasted. They put on sackcloth.

The king of Nineveh heard about what Jonah said. He got up from his throne. He took off his royal robes and put on sackcloth. Then he sat on the ground.

The king told the people, “ No one must eat or drink- not even animals. Everyone must wear sackcloth. Everyone should call to God. Stop sinning. Stop hurting people. God might not destroy us.” The people did what the king asked. God changed His mind and did not destroy Nineveh.


February 16

February 23


Godly Leadership
Focal Verses | Micah 3:1-3, 9-12; 6:6-8

Listen to what God says: “Stand up, tell your case to the mountains. Let the hills hear you. The Lord is accusing His people. Listen, you mountains. He is charging Israel.
”What have I do to you?” God asks. “How have I burdened you? Answer Me,” God says.

”I brought you out of Egypt and out of slavery. I sent Moses to lead you. And Aaron and Miriam. Remember what King Balak advised and what Balaam answered. Remember your journey, so you will know the good acts of the Lord.”

How should I come before God? with burnt offerings? Will God be pleased with thousands of rams or rivers of oil? Will this cover my sin?

No, God has shown you what is good. He wants you to act justly and with mercy and to walk humbly with Him.



Kids Previous Lessons

  • February 2


    God’s Love Brings Reconciliation
    Focal Verse | Joel 2:12-13, 18-19, 28-32

    God talks to His people through a man named Joel. God wants His people to listen to Him and be sorry for their mistakes. This means to repent. When people repent, God promises to forgive them and help them. God also promises to send His Spirit to be with them and help them do good things. So, let’s listen to what God says and be happy because He loves us!

  • February 9


    God’s Generosity Overcomes Selfishness
    Focal Verse | Amos 6:4-8, 11-14

    The prophet Amos warned the people to stop thinking only of themselves. They relaxed on fancy couches. They ate the best meat They sand to their own kind of music. They had a good time while other people suffered. They did not care about others’ needs. They did not remember that God met their own needs. They lived to do whatever they wanted to do. God did not like their selfish ways. God did not like their attitude. Amos told the people that God was going to end their good times. God was going to teach them to remember to do what is right.

Juniors Weekly Lessons (Ages 9-15)

Juniors Weekly Lessons (Ages 9-15)

February 16


God’s Mercy To Do The Right Thing
Focal Verses | Jonah 3:1-10

God shows mercy when we repent and change our negative behaviors and disobedient ways. He is always paying attention and will acknowledge when we do good. Sometimes God uses His power to persuade His children to do the right thing, but He doesn’t force us. The choice to do right must come from within us.

February 23


Godly Leadership
Focal Verses | Micah 3:1-3, 9-12; 6:6-8

Prophets were God’s mouthpiece for what He wanted people to know or do. Today, Micah delivers God’s message to the leaders of Samaria and Jerusalem. They are abusing power and taking advantage of the people to get rich. God declares consequences for their evil deeds and states three things He requires from His followers.

Juniors Previous Lessons

  • February 2


    God’s Love Brings Reconciliation
    Focal Verse | Joel 2:12-13, 18-19, 28-32

    Joel, one of God’s prophets, spoke God’s messages to His people. Joel warned the people that if they kept sinning and refusing to turn to God, they would not experience His blessings. In fact, locusts were already destroying the land. If the people did repent and return their hearts to God, He would restore their lived with good. Joel said God would pour His Spirit out on the people.

  • February 9


    God’s Generosity Overcomes Selfishness
    Focal Verse | Amos 6:4-8, 11-14

    Sometimes we can become so caught up with our own needs that we lose sight of the greater needs of those surrounding us. In today’s lesson, we find that the Israelites were not only caught up with themselves, they were also caught up in sin. They had grown comfortable and complacent in their sin, with no regard or concern for its consequences. Amos warned them that what God promised (regarding judgement) He would surely perform. Israel was blinded to the effects of their sin. Just as God promises blessings for acts of righteousness, He keeps His promise to bring justice for acts of unrighteousness.